Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Israeli-Armenian Relations

A Diamond Necklace made in Armenia (Source)

Most Armenians in the Diaspora know about Israel's relations with Turkey, but I bet far fewer know that Israel is one of Armenia's top-five trade partners. Almost all of this trade is in diamonds, as is most of the trade between Armenia and Belgium (where, it should be noted, Jews are the major players in the industry).

David, over at a The Armenian Economist (a great blog, by the way), provides the following data for 2005 in a post on "Georgia, Russia, and Armenia's Economy."

Total exports (USD millions): 950.4
  1. Germany 147.2
  2. Netherlands 130.1
  3. Belgium 124.6
  4. Russia 119.1
  5. Israel 112.2
  6. USA 62.1
  7. Other 255.0
Total imports 1767.9 USD millions
  1. Russia 259.5
  2. Belgium 162.4
  3. USA 116.0
  4. Germany 114.0
  5. Israel 102.5
  6. Iran 102.0
  7. Other 911.5
According to the CIA World Factbook, which cites slightly different figures, Armenia exported commodities worth $800 million in 2005. Its largest export partners were:
  1. Germany (15.6% of exports)
  2. Netherlands 13.7%
  3. Belgium 12.8%
  4. Russia 12.2%
  5. Israel 11.5%
  6. US 11.2%
  7. Georgia 4.8%
The Factbook cites a number of $1.5 billion for Armenia's imports, with the following countries accounting for the largest numbers:
  1. Russia 13.5%
  2. Belgium 8%
  3. Germany 7.9%
  4. Ukraine 7%
  5. Turkmenistan 6.3%
  6. US 6.2%
  7. Israel 5.8%
  8. Iran 5%
  9. Romania 4.2%


Anonymous said...

Great blog and thanks for all this information provided. In regard with the topic: just recently descoverd there is a small jewerly plant in Stepanakert owned by an indian and maily employed by israeli workers. Stange and cool, isn't it ?:)

Amos said...

Thanks for reading! That is really cool :).

Anonymous said...

as i have many israeli friends from the uvi, we even shared the link on the facebook

Amos said...

I couldn't access the link unfortunately. Is it in a group or a note? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

facebook is a community for US and UK college students, you should have a uni email to log in. Sorry, i was thinking you know about it :((

Amos said...

I'm on it actually, but the link just took my to my account. What's the name of the group?

belinda said...

have no idea why you cannot access it. but thanks again for this blog, it gives hope that armenian-israeli relations will somehow develop. btw, we had pretty much tourists form israel in armenia this year which is great !